At Peintres Premium, we take care of every detail to transform and protect your exterior surfaces. Whether it's siding, gutters or windows, our team of house painters ensures that every project is executed with precision.
Your home is an extension of yourself, and it's essential to look after it. Save and extend the life of your outdoor spaces with our siding services. Our professional painters guarantee a consistent, hard-wearing finish, no matter how large or small the area to be painted!
Take advantage of products adapted to Quebec's climate in various colours for a customized look. Our painters will transform your facade in no time thanks to a precise process that includes surface preparation, sanding and more.
Our metal painting services offer long-lasting protection against rust and the elements, while providing a smooth, uniform finish. Whether for your doors, windows or siding, metal painting extends the life of surfaces while improving their appearance.
Preserve the natural charm of your exterior with our woodwork expertise. Whether it's for your terrace or your facade, our meticulous application includes everything from treatment to wood brightening. Prevent deterioration caused by UV rays and humidity, and restore your wood to its former glory!
Our vinyl paint is designed to freshen your surfaces while preserving their flexibility. Thanks to a specialized formula, it allows vinyl to resist deformation due to weather changes, while giving your home's exterior a new look.
Aluminum is a robust material that deserves to be preserved. Although the original paint will eventually fade and powder, the underlying aluminum can last much longer. A simple refresh with our paint helps to bring your surfaces back to life while protecting them from the elements and UV rays.
Cement paint protects your surfaces from moisture and cracks while improving their appearance. Whether for foundations, exterior walls or concrete siding, our specialized paint enhances the durability of cement and withstands Quebec's harsh weather conditions.
Whether you're dealing with cracks or stains, our specialized stucco paint will restore the charm and strength of your surface. In addition to waterproofing your stucco, we can add colour and restore its texture.
Thanks to its durability, your brick already adds value to your home. If it deserves a breath of fresh air, why not paint it? Our microporous paint allows us to add both a modern touch and a protective layer against water infiltration.
High-quality and durable, fibre cement still requires a protective layer. Although it requires little maintenance, it is porous and can absorb water, which can lead to damage. Waterproof and extend the life of your siding by applying a high-performance paint.
Especially for exterior work, a well-prepared surface is critical to ensure the adhesion of products and the durability of the work. Our team takes the necessary steps to prepare surfaces and protect other nearby assets.
Peintres Premium offers a cost-effective solution for renovating your doors and windows, thanks to a top-of-the-range painting service. Together, we can give your exterior a beautiful new look and avoid costly replacement.
Entrance and garage doors are among the first things you notice. If they're in poor condition, think about painting them before replacing them! Our professionals will renovate and reinstall them for a turnkey service. Add contrast and style with our spray gun.
Let your home regain its former glory with our meticulous touch on your shutters, sashes, and frames. Our team will paint your windows on site in trendy colours, with the aim of keeping them looking their best for years to come.
Experts in wood treatment, let us cover your fences, terraces, or pergolas with semi-transparent stains, in a matte or gloss finish. Whether you want to keep a more natural look or hide impurities, our work is tailored to your vision.
Fast turnaround with clear communication on deadlines.
Complete project management for uniform surfaces.
Durable, environmentally friendly paints.
A cheaper alternative to replacement.
Trendy colours to modernize and enhance your property.
Preparation, painting and reinstallation included.
Fast, accurate execution on time.
Superior dyes adapted to your surfaces.
Opening Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.